Dr Jane Gregory
Here are some of the key things you might want to know about my style of therapy before you decide whether to book an appointment. If it's not what you're looking for, you can continue your search and I'll never even know you were here.
Therapy Style
First and foremost, I think that people should not feel blamed for thinking and feeling the way that they do. Our current patterns are the sum of all our experiences in life, including things that happened in childhood. Don't get me wrong, I believe we are absolutely responsible for own behaviour and for changing what we want to be different, but it is extremely hard to change if we are stuck feeling ashamed, guilty or embarrassed about the way things are now.
Emotions happen for a reason. You might not be able to stop those feelings from arising, but by working on how you respond to them, perhaps you could change the trajectory and impact of them.
Get unstuck. Many people who come to therapy find that they have been stuck on "auto pilot", doing things they've always done, even when they know it's not helping. What would you want to be different if you could switch back to manual control?
I agree with you: a lot of the time people and life should be better than they really are. But, there are some things that aren't worth the energy it would take to change. What would happen if you gave up fighting some of those losing battles?
Therapy is uncomfortable. If you could make these changes comfortably, you absolutely would have done it already. If you don't feel like I'm pushing your buttons, we're focusing on the wrong problem.
Don't trust me - test me. In your sessions we will design experiments to test out new ways of responding to the realities that life throws at you. I don't expect you to trust blindly that I know what I'm talking about - I want you to experience it for yourself and then decide whether these changes are worth making.
You can read more about how I use CBT to help with anxiety in the CBT Made Simple section. In Frequently Asked Questions you will find more specific details about how CBT works in my private practice.
Professional Details
I am a Clinical Psychologist in London, specialising in CBT for OCD and anxiety. I also have training in CBT variants including compassion-focused therapy, rumination-focused CBT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness and Schema Therapy. I incorporate aspects of these therapies into my CBT sessions.
In addition to my private practice, I work in the NHS at a specialist anxiety disorder service, mostly working with people with long-term struggles with OCD.
Professional status
HCPC Registered Clinical Psychologist
BABCP Accredited CBT Therapist
Professional indemnity insurance with Howden
Previously registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Psychologists' Registration Board of Victoria, Australia
Doctor of Clinical Psychology
Postgraduate Certificate of Primary Care Mental Health
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology/Sociology)
My Research
In my past life I was an overly ambitious doctoral student. I had some of my academic research, on parental feeding behaviour with young children, published in peer-reviewed journals. I love the process of doing research but not so much the process of peer review, so I have happily moved into my much less scientific but much more fun self-experimentation for the Cognitive Behave Yourself blog.
Don't worry, no one expects you to read this.
Maternal feeding practices predict fruit and vegetable consumption in young children. Results of a 12-month longitudinal study
Jane E. Gregory, Susan J. Paxton and Anna M. Brozovic
Appetite (2011), Volume 57(1), 167–172
Maternal feeding practices, child eating behaviour and body mass index in preschool-aged children: a prospective analysis
Jane E. Gregory, Susan J. Paxton and Anna M. Brozovic
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2010), 7:55
Pressure to eat and restriction are associated with child eating behaviours and maternal concern about child weight, but not child body mass index, in 2- to 4-year-old children
Jane E. Gregory, Susan J. Paxton and Anna M. Brozovic
Appetite (2010), Volume 54(3), 550–556
Cultural sensitivity training: Description and evaluation of a workshop
Nimmi Hutnik and Jane Gregory
Nurse Education Today (2008), Volume 28(2), 171–178